January 6, 2010 my best friend passed away. His name was Bubba. I gave him that name because I wanted him to grow up and be strong, fearless and loyal. He was about 70 years old (in dog years).
We knew something was wrong when he was having a rough time getting around lately. His once great love for the outdoors and the cold crisp air was waning as well. He preferred his bed in the house for the last few weeks, to the kennel he usually commandeered outside, to hold guard over the house.
He was a puppy when I got him. I tried hard to teach him some tricks but he preferred standing back and laughing at me as I tried to emulate the things I wanted him to learn. He knew to wait for a biscuit. he sat quietly until given permission to move when he was in the mood and a time or two he fetched the ball when I threw it. Mostly he did what came naturally to a healer, he corralled me around the yard. He would stick his big nosy face in my path and prevent me from going where I wanted, steering me to the place he preferred I should be.
Bubba never barked unless there was a reason, the mailman at the door or a stranger in the house, were about the only times he let us know verbally he was there. Preferring to nudge and snuggle, rather than command attention, was his way.
He walked into the house tonight, slower than usual. I was busy, as usual and finally when the evening had turned into deep night, he breathed a last breath and passed. We had just finished a very late, well deserved supper when I realized he was too quiet. I called his name and for the first time in 10 years, he didn't perk his head. Sometime during our supper he had fallen into an eternal sleep, never to wake again.
I want to sleep, I am tired, broken and hurt. I already miss him dreadfully. The house is too quiet, the fears that someone might challenge the doors to this house clutch my heart because my protector is not with me now. I wonder if I will ever sleep as peaceful as I once did.
What is a dog or a cat or any pet for that matter? Very quickly they become a part of the family. Each has their own personality and quirks. They make you laugh and they make you cry. They perform amazing tricks and do silly things that cause you to laugh out loud when it's just the two of you. They wait diligently for you when you are away and upon your arrival, it is a holiday for them.
When you are sad, they comfort you and when you are happy, they delight in your laughter. They know all of your secrets because to tell them anything, is to know it will be guarded with their very life.
I will miss you my dear old friend, I will think of you often and with tears in my eyes, after all, I loved you, but not nearly as much as you loved me.
Sleep well my sweet Prince...... Amen